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Top Winning Breeder
2017,2018,2019,2022 and 2023
(no top records kept 2020 - 2021 limited or no shows )
Home of International Champions

Malmö Int 19.3.2016 BOS CAC
Tvååker Int 8.7.2016 BOB CAC
Semicvetik Princess Swan "Perla"

Malmö Int 19.3.2016 BOB CACIB
Hässleholm speciality 21.5.2016 BOB CAC
Chudo Veka Aurora "Lollo"
Groomed and handled to perfection by Lotta Söderberg
Roskilde Dk Int 1.5.2016 BOB CAC Crufts Qualification
Backamo Se Nat 17.8.2016 BOS CAC ( his mother was BOB )
Tågarp Se Nat 10.9.2016 BOB CAC
Ballerup Dk Int 18.9.2016 BOB CAC Copenhagen Winner - 16
Toy Angels Be My King " King"
Hässleholm Int 21.5.2016 BOB CAC
Toy Angels Be My Queen "Vickan"

Backamo 17.8.2016 Nat BOB
Semicvetik Sheridan "Lovis"
Ballerup Dk 18.9.2016 Int BOB Baby
Toy Angels C Take That "Zlatan"
Herning Dk Int BOB Baby

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