Top Winning Breeder
2017,2018,2019,2022 and 2023
(no top records kept 2020 - 2021 limited or no shows )
Home of International Champions
We started the show season in official classes only in May as Semicvetik Sheridan "Lovis" had 4 puppies ( Father Kreatyur Ispolnite Rock-N-Rolla "Abbe" ) ( B litter ) 31.1.2015 2 of which - Male Toy Angels Be My King"King" and Female Toy Angels Be My Queen "Vickan" stayed in the kennel
Toy Angels Be My Prince "Elvis" owned and handled by Emma Bloom ( age 15 years <3 ) has gone
BOB and BOS puppy at several shows during the year and in Växjö 31.10.2015 at his 9 months
birthday he went BOS with Cert <3
Toy Angels Be My Princess "Sessan" has not been shown as much as the other puppies but she has
also reached BOS puppy with HP in Tågarp SDHK. Owner Carina Hellsten
29.3.2015 Malmö Int started of the season with
BOB Puppy HP Semicvetik Princess Swan "Perla" ( DOB 17.8.2014 )
9.5.2015 Dortmund Germany Int
BOB and Europasieger - 15 Semicvetik Sheridan "Lovis" entered the ring first time after her brake
17.5.2015 Hässleholm
BOB Semicvetik Sheridan "Lovis"
BOS Indigo Durgo "Skorpan"
- both became Swedish Champion ( Lovis DOB 15.5.2013 Skorpan DOB 16.5.2013 ) Lovis also became Danish , Norwegian and Nordic Champion at the same time.
6.6.2016 in Riihimäki Finland
BOB Semicvetik Sherdian "Lovis" and thus also Finnish Champion
8.8.2015 in Ronneby King and Vickan entered the ring for the first time ever ( puppy class )
BOB puppy HP Toy Angels Be My King "King" ( shortlisted in finals )
BOS puppy HP Toy Angels Be My Queen "Vickan"
Toy Angels Be My Prince "Elvis" owned by Emma Bloom was also entered at the show and was also rewarded with HP :-)
( Father Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla - Mother Semicvetik Sherdian )
21.8.2015 Täby Stockholm SRTK Breed Speciality
BISS - 15 BOB Semicvetik Sheridan "Lovis"
BOS Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla "Abbe"
BOB Puppy 6-9 months Toy Angels Be My King "King"
BOS Puppy 6-9 months Toy Angels Be My Queen "Vickan"
( Father Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla - Mother Semicvetik Sherdian )
Judge Anastasya Pogrebinskaya / President of National Breed Club Russkiy Toy Russia
22.8.2015 Täby Stockholm SKK
BOB puppy Toy Angels Be My King "King"
BOS puppy Toy Angels Be My Queen "Vickan"
( Father Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla - Mother Semicvetik Sherdian )
23.8.2015 Täby Stockholm Minigruppen
BIS 3 Puppy BOB puppy HP Toy Angels Be My King "King"
BOS Puppy HP Toy Angels Be my Queen "Vickan"
( Father Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla - Mother Semicvetik Sherdian )
19.9.2015 Hilleröd Denmark Int
Copenhagen Junior Winner-15 Copenhagen Winner - 15
BOB Cert Semicvetik Princess Swan "Perla" at her first official show ever
BOB Puppy Toy Angels Be My King "King"
BOS Puppy Toy Angels Be My Queen "Vickan"
( Father Kreatyur Ispolnitel Rock-N-Rolla - Mother Semicvetik Sherdian )
12.10.2015 Hamar Norway
Norwegian Junior Winner - 15 Semicvetik Princess Swan "Perla"
13.10.2015 Hamar Norway
Norwegian Junior Winner - 15 WK Chudo Veka Aurora "Lollo"
31.10.2015 Herning Denmark
BOB Cert Norwegian Junior Winner -15 Copenhagen Winner -15 Copenhagen Junior Winner -15
Semicvetik Princess Swan "Perla"
BOS Cert SECh Indigo Durgo and thus also now Danish Champion
Toy Angels B litter enters the rings first time in official class with outstanding results and wonderful critics :-)
1.11.2015 Herning Denmark
BOB Cert
Danish Winner -15
Danish Junior Winner -15
Toy Angels Be My Queen "Vickan"
BOS Cert
Danish Winner -15
Danish Junior Winner -15
Toy Angels Be My King "King"
Görlev Denmark 7.11.2015
Speciality show
BOB Cert Norwegian Junior Winner - 15 Chudo Veka Aurora "Lollo"
Lollo went BIS 1 in workingclass final 🎉🎉🏆🏆
Lollo - groomed and handeled to perfection by Lotta Söderberg <3
13.12.2015 Nordic Winner show Stockholm Sweden
BOS Nordic Winner - 15
Multi Ch and Winner Semicvetik Sheridan "Lovis"
and her daughter
Nordic Junior Winner - 15 Cert
Toy Angels Be My Queen "Vickan"
a happy ending of show year 2015 !